demark|demarked|demarking|demarks in English


demarcate, delimit, mark off the boundaries of, set apart

Use "demark|demarked|demarking|demarks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demark|demarked|demarking|demarks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demark|demarked|demarking|demarks", or refer to the context using the word "demark|demarked|demarking|demarks" in the English Dictionary.

1. According interweave to demark: floss silk, cotton polyester.

2. Now, line 2 demarks the start of loop, a sequence of steps that will repeat some number of times.

3. The pages which consist of the list of Appendices should be marked with appropriate page numbers and hence should be demarked properly in the table of contents

4. Atmarks Bebarks bodarks debarks demarks embarks emparks endarks fuþarks imbarks imparks MOzarks no-marks no␣marks pig␣arks remarks re-marks reparks squarks toparks unbarks unmarks unparks

5. Abraham Andreas Brinck MyHeritage släktträd Odemark in von Platen Web Site, administrerad av Kristina Ödemark von Platen (Kontakt) Födelse: 1664 - Österplana / R Död: 1713 - Varnhem / R Föräldrar: Anders/andreas Svensson/svenonius Brinck, Sigrid Brinck (född Johannesdotter Lechander) Syskon: Gunnur Brinck, Maria Brinck, Anders Brinck, Christina ?